I salute the soul in you and welcome you into my world
Judith is a Visionary, Inspirational Writer, Pyramid Crystalline Grid Activator and Soul Empowerment Consultant. She is a remarkable and awe-inspiring woman, who has the ability to tap into the cosmic Super-consciousness fields and to bring forth the Ancient Cosmic knowledge.
Judith is a unique soul with many splendid facets, on an amazing quest to facilitate and lead the rebirth and reintegration of the ancient wisdom with the new divine, to usher in the New Golden Age. She is not only an inspirational writer, and a Soul Reader- but a Soul Empowerment Consultant, and a divinely inspired Crystalline Energy Grid Activator and a cosmically transmitting soul.
Her revealed sole purpose is to serve the Divine and humanity in the highest possible way, with truth, authenticity, and integrity so she may best inform and teach the Highest Levels, to raise the consciousness of this planet. She is actively assisting the energetic rebirth of the earth, with her reopening of the Ancient Energy Centers, as she taps into the Super Consciousness Energy Field transmitting this information.